GUEST SPEAKER Craig Irvine — Principal, Yea Primary School
Craig ran through some history of the school which started as a tent school in 1859 with 39 students. In 1875 the school buildings had to be abandoned because 30 plus children died from diptheria. By 1900 the school had 192 students and had to be extended.  In 2023 they have 127 enrolments over 6 classes starting with Prep 1. They offer Physical Education, Science and Arts with specialist teachers.
A review was undertaken in 2021 and the emphasis is now to create a safe environment and the opportunity to flourish while maintaining wellbeing of children and all staff.
Craig told the story of finding a leather strap in the archives along with a register of corporal punishment (which is now in the State Library) It was last used in 1979
In conclusion, Craig thanked Rotary for the Bursary offered late last year and offered members the chance to mentor a child for one hour per week.
There were lots of questions and Kellie then moved a vote of thanks.
3 MINUTER—Bob Hentschel
Bob talked about the Bowls final held recently and how the game played outPaul Kellett spoke about attending the Deniliquin so-cial weekend which was held in place of district con-ference this year.
Only 2 members from Yea attended and it was a great weekend.
Paul met with Presidents, DG Elect Nita Kirby and Marg Crisp who is very involved in processing applications for grants. She informed him that there will be a delay on the Limestone project funding.
Julie reported on Cycle Dindi which now has 80 registrations and needs to fi-nalise the roster. until the Yea team was beaten by just 3 points.
Paul Kellett spoke about attending the Deniliquin social weekend which was held in place of district conference this year.
Only 2 members from Yea attended and it was a great weekend.
Paul met with Presidents, DG Elect Nita Kirby and Marg Crisp who is very involved in processing applications for grants. She informed him that there will be a delay on the Limestone project funding.

Julie reported on Cycle Dindi which now has 80 registrations and needs to finalise the roster.