Pride of Workmanship

Paul then called on Sue Carpenter to introduce Award recipient Darren Hall. Sue spoke highly of Darren’s work ethic and said in the 10 years they have worked together, he has always given 110%. Sue’s words were "he is the best hedge trimmer you will ever see" and was very proud that he was being acknowledged with a Rotary Pride of Workmanship Award.
Sue Carpenter and Darren Hall
Kimberley (our exchange student)

Three Minuter: Russell Hogg

Cycle Dindi
Julie reported Cycle Dindi a success—food, weather, 74 riders, Eoghan’s successful ride (and close to $2300 in sponsorship!) and lots of happy people. Thanked the whole club for their support, Sinkers and Clare for their hospitality, Naomi and Tony Robson and James Ryan for sheep dog demos and committee members Patti and Ian, Bob H and Woodsy. Julie read just one of a number of very complimentary emails received. A full financial report will be provided at next Club Assembly.

Eoghan gave a very entertaining account of his 130km Cycle Dindi experience and generated much laughter. He has also raised almost $2300—what a wonderful achievement. He was so tired at the finish that he said when Julie and Glenda met him with a 6 pack of cold Kilkenny, he had lost the will to drink— but it came back inside of 5 mins! Well done Eoghan—top effort!!

Amanda and the Swiss night cooking team