Zoom Meeting
GUEST SPEAKER- Jenny Wilkinson - Mental Health Nurse and Mental Health First Aid Instructor.
Jenny began by acknowledging those who have a mental illness and their carers.
Then she asked questions like ‘What keeps us well?’, Do we all have mental health?. From there she looked at how we feel when our footy team loses in comparison to when they win and asked us to acknowledge that it’s OK not to feel OK.
Next Jenny looked at how to ascertain if someone is mentally unwell and commented that the last figures released showed 1 in 5 suffering from mental illness. Often young people experience their first mental illness between the ages of 14 and 18.
As a community, we can mostly help through prevention. Connecting with others, laughter, club activities and support all contribute. Communities can continue to raise awareness of mental health issues too. We can also help ourselves to avoid becoming ill through healthy lifestyles, hobbies, exercise etc.
In response to a question, Jenny commented that some of the most common signs of mental illness in a person would be
Change in normal personality
Complaining about not sleeping
Complaining about no appetite
Expressing a wish to stop living
Negative talk
Experiencing lots of changes in their lives.
If you’d like to hear the recording of tonight’s meeting please go to the link below.
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To contact Jenny phone 0491746314 or jennywilkinson.mhtraining@gmail.com