Tony Jacobs chaired the meeting.
Secretary Ian will circulate a fundraising idea for ROMAC which involves Tyrrell’s wines.
Gary Cocks raised the issue of funds being needed by Yea Community House to provide food for those in need and discussion led to the Secretary sending emails to Board members recommending they make a $1000 emergency donation.
Penny raised the issue of some members not being able to use email and whether they should receive a printed copy. She also asked members to let her know which members would be involved. Printing would be done via the Standard.
Bob asked that members contact him if they came across a family in dire straights and he would cook and pack a basket of food for them.
Family of Rotary
Members are encouraged to touch base by phone, text, email or snail mail to all our members but especially those who may be more isolated at present.
Ian asked when work was likely to take place at the Pioneer Reserve. Ian and Terry to discuss
Gary Cocks informed members that he and Tony had been having coffee while seated in the plantation and they had been moved on by police.
Tony Jacobs chaired the meeting.
Secretary Ian will circulate a fundraising idea for ROMAC which involves Tyrrell’s wines.
Gary Cocks raised the issue of funds being needed by Yea Community House to provide food for those in need and discussion led to the Secretary sending emails to Board members recommending they make a $1000 emergency donation.
Penny raised the issue of some members not being able to use email and whether they should receive a printed copy. She also asked members to let her know which members would be involved. Printing would be done via the Standard.
Bob asked that members contact him if they came across a family in dire straights and he would cook and pack a basket of food for them.
Family of Rotary
Members are encouraged to touch base by phone, text, email or snail mail to all our members but especially those who may be more isolated at present.
Ian asked when work was likely to take place at the Pioneer Reserve. Ian and Terry to discuss
Gary Cocks informed members that he and Tony had been having coffee while seated in the plantation and they had been moved on by police.
Chairman Tony then went around each member and asked what they had been doing during Covid lock-down.
Terry announced that Janet had planted about 1000 shrubs and trees and he had guarded them.
Will told us that as a result of an email from Yering Station, the de Castella name had been discussed in detail and in particular, his father who ran a marathon after a heart attack.
Ian had just received an email from President Paul sending apologies for the meeting.
David and Tippy. David told of a video just posted on our Facebook page from Kelli Willsmore thanking the club for the foresight of installing seats for people to rest on while walking on the rail trail.
David also told of their visit to Bendigo and the Buddhist Stupa where they found themselves just before the last regional lockdown and how they went back to their hotel and quarantined for one night. He didn’t know how people had managed for 14 nights.
Di told us her puppy was bitten by a snake last week. Luckily they got him to a vet and he survived.
Bob told us that when he got home from his fishing trip, he discovered a mate had had a stroke so he’s been helping out. This has mostly been gardening.
Penny reminded members of a talk she gave about cleaning out her library and said she had just finished it when she was notified that she would be receiving a whole lot more from a deceased estate.
Gary said he’s learned not to tell VicRoads anything because he now has to have a medical every six months. He’s also learned that it’s essential to learn your doctor’s eye chart off by heart.
Rodney alerted us all that fines for doing anything to break Covid lockdown rules are now $5500
John told us they had a flood about a week ago but other than that they’ve been busy with stock on the farm and building a shed.
Tony’s wife visited last weekend. He’s been busy working around the house and getting the garden ready for the Yea Open Gardens weekend. He’s also training for the Blue Dragon 21km marathon walk which goes from Yea station to Cathkin.
David finished off by giving a shout out to President Paul for his initiative in ring round members to see how they are.
Terry announced that Janet had planted about 1000 shrubs and trees and he had guarded them.
Will told us that as a result of an email from Yering Station, the de Castella name had been discussed in detail and in particular, his father who ran a marathon after a heart attack.
Ian had just received an email from President Paul sending apologies for the meeting.
David and Tippy. David told of a video just posted on our Facebook page from Kelli Willsmore thanking the club for the foresight of installing seats for people to rest on while walking on the rail trail.
David also told of their visit to Bendigo and the Buddhist Stupa where they found themselves just before the last regional lockdown and how they went back to their hotel and quarantined for one night. He didn’t know how people had managed for 14 nights.
Di told us her puppy was bitten by a snake last week. Luckily they got him to a vet and he survived.
Bob told us that when he got home from his fishing trip, he discovered a mate had had a stroke so he’s been helping out. This has mostly been gardening.
Penny reminded members of a talk she gave about cleaning out her library and said she had just finished it when she was notified that she would be receiving a whole lot more from a deceased estate.
Gary said he’s learned not to tell VicRoads anything because he now has to have a medical every six months. He’s also learned that it’s essential to learn your doctor’s eye chart off by heart.
Rodney alerted us all that fines for doing anything to break Covid lockdown rules are now $5500
John told us they had a flood about a week ago but other than that they’ve been busy with stock on the farm and building a shed.
Tony’s wife visited last weekend. He’s been busy working around the house and getting the garden ready for the Yea Open Gardens weekend. He’s also training for the Blue Dragon 21km marathon walk which goes from Yea station to Cathkin.
David finished off by giving a shout out to President Paul for his initiative in ring round members to see how they are.