Club Assembly - Meeting Notes 

President Paul recognised the work put in by members to make the RACV Sustainability Day happen particularly to Di. He said it was obvious that we need to update Food Handling Safe-ty certificates and asked members to go online and obtain theirs.
We also have to look at a Street Trader certificate, Council Permits and Department of Health exemptions

Some snail mail including the Shelter Box magazine. Did you know that they helped 140,000 people last year and 28,000 families.
Paul handed over to Gary Fitzgerald as Chair
Marj Hamilton presented a 3 Minuter telling the Tale of Three Teachers.
When she was 16 years old she had a biology teacher who introduced her to plants, nature and wildlife leading to a garden made over 50 years.
Later she was introduced to the wonders of Botanical Illustration by another teacher and in 2018 she had the opportunity to do a two week course in Botanical Illustration in the Kew Gardens. On the way she visited two Danish people she had hosted here in Yea, Paris and England.
Marj thanked Julie Lynch for showing her the possibilities available in taking such a trip.

All under control with starting time for volunteers at 8.30am

Raffles start on Saturday. There are 60 registrations. Thank you to Glenda for all the work done on Facebook and other marketing as well as handling enquiries.

There will be a Mental Health First Aid course with a focus on youth run by the Shire in May.
ADG, Nina Lunde is keen to run a MHFA course from Yea in June and it will be offered to other clubs as well as ours.
Sue Carpenter endorsed this effort to help young people in our lives and told us of 3 youth suicides which occurred in Kinglake last weekend.

BOB DEWAR. Bob is about to retire after 60 years in the same industry and he wanted to acknowledge the support and strength of his wife Pat who has been a stalwart in good and bad times Bob proposed a toast to all our ladies.
TERRY HUBBARD—decline in numbers—need a social night with partners.
ITALIAN NIGHT—Penny announced that an Italian Night is planned for March 31 and more details will be coming.
Only a few members have actually joined and RSL needs numbers to continue. Russell asked that more members join up and be ready to stand for committees at the AGM later this month.

Again thanked those who helped at RACV Sustainability Day and acknowledged Di’s huge effort to get it up and running.
He also acknowledged the huge effort Di has put into Anzac Day after a meeting with Jeff Swain last week.