Guest Speaker: Ben Rimmer
Ben is a former CEO of Melbourne City Council, and has worked in both State and Federal Government and Public Service. He is married to Past President Marj Hamilton’s daughter and is a Rhode Scholar. Ben talked about some of the things that happen behind the scenes in Canberra at a time like this, when there has been an election. He talked about some of the duties of a principle policy advisor, and of the management and administration. They need to advise on issues of public service that will be good for the current government and for the next government. He talked about election time, and the inner workings of what goes on behind the scenes, and the support networks behind them.
3 Minuter: Tony Jacobs
Tony talked about the days when he grew up around Sydney, near Beecroft, and used to wave to his father at the back of the steam train as it went past the house. He talked about the difference in transport, the environment, and how goods were delivered. It was a 20 minute walk to school, and he either rode or walked. Life in the early 50s in Sydney were good times, safe and innocent times. Reflecting makes Tony think about the future and what stories the children of today will tell in times to come.
Elaine White: Biggest Morning Tea.
About 70—80 people were there on the morning. The helpers were Ian, Julie, Sandra, Elaine, and Rodney helped out in the street. Ian washed dishes all morning. Approximately $744 was raised, with $200 of that made in the main street. The bowl was passed around at the meeting to raise further money bringing the grand total to approximately $850.
Guest Speaker Ben Chairman Ken
Keith thanking guest speaker Caterers- Yea Golf Club