AGM and Club Assembly
President Carol chaired the meeting.
Attendance records were kept and apologies noted.
The minutes of the previous AGM were voted correct.
Russell Hogg, Treasurer, thanked Jim Osborne for his efforts in au-diting the accounts which were moved as correct by Russell and se-conded by Terry Hubbard.
President Elect Paul Kellett was asked to nominate his office bear-ers for 2021/2022.
President Elect—Tony Jacobs
Secretary—Ian Sichlau
Treasurer—Russell Hogg.
Sue Carpenter passed on apologies for tonight’s meeting from Tony Jacobs.
The next AGM will be held in November 2021.
Secretary Ian presented the correspondence
Cabrini Hospital asking for a donation
Shelterbox asking us to join as a supporter with a donation of $1000. The meeting agreed that since we support them with our disbursements earlier in the year, we would not donate now.
Russell Hogg presented the treasurer’s report for the last 4 months as circulated by email. He called for questions. A couple of comments made by him were
Change for the Sergeant had been made available tonight
Christmas cakes were now available for $20 each
The Treasurer’s report was accepted by the meeting.
Paul Kellett reported as Club Service Chair and commended Glenda and Julie on the work done with the coffee vouchers and also in club publicity.
David Anderson reported as Foundation Chair.
$870 had been raised for our End Polio effort in October.
David brought to out attention that one of the impacts of Covid 19 on other diseases around the world was that there had been novaccinations undertaken for Polio and Measles and there is the World Health Organi-sation is concerned that we could be back to 200,000 cases of Polio in ten years.
Fortunately, Rotary’s focus on polio has led to the development of contact tracing and water supply testing which has been carried out over 20-25years.
Terry Hubbard reported as Community Service Chair
He has made 3 benches and installed them on the rail trail between Homewood and Yea. 10 badges are to be routed into the seats to prevent vandalism.
Progress with the shelters in main street has been held up by the Shire who didn’t like the design, so it has been taken back to the managers.
We were reminded that last week we heard Ian Riseley talk about a new area of focus of the Rotary Foun-dation ie Environment. Terry and the CEO of Landcare are to meet with Ian in January.
Cheryl O’Halloran has been talking to Terry re assembly at the Christmas Tree as part of the Christmas events. The Shire requires public insurance. Can Rotary support and cover by indemnity?
A request was also put to the Shire for permanent lighting availability for the Christmas Tree, but the Shire can’t justify the cost. It will be considered for next year’s budget.
Sandra Handley reported on Youth Service.
Bursaries will be presented on December 3. Watch the Bulletin for further details.
Glenda Woods reported that Cycle Dindi will be back in 2021 on April 17. She mentioned that a lot of work had been done with Rotary Club of Alexandra and the Friends of the Great Victorian Rail Trail. Fli-ers and posters have been ordered from Ann Friedel.
Rodney asked if anyone was planning to do street catering over the next few months as he organises the permits.
President Carol talked about the Australia Day Breakfast which is still to be confirmed.
Bookings for dinner meetings. Carol reminded us that these are now official meetings so you are expected at the meetings unless you notify Ann.
The St Luke’s Christmas hampers have been distributed to the local community for almost ten years. The hampers pro-vide the extras that make Christmas special; treats such as puddings, shortbread, ham, cake etc. that stretch the budget. Thanks to Rotarians Cathe-rine and Charles, fruit and veg fresh from the market is included in each hamper, Sacred Heart provides meat vouchers from Tainton’s butcher shop and St Luke’s provides vouchers for toys and gold cards for adults.
For some people, especially the elderly singles, the hamper may be the only gift they re-ceive at Christmas. 50-60 hampers are usually provided each year, but St Luke’s an-ticipates that with the pandemic adversely affecting many local families, the demand in 2020 will be even greater.
The St Luke’s Christmas hampers have been distributed to the local community for almost ten years. The hampers pro-vide the extras that make Christmas special; treats such as puddings, shortbread, ham, cake etc. that stretch the budget. Thanks to Rotarians Cathe-rine and Charles, fruit and veg fresh from the market is included in each hamper, Sacred Heart provides meat vouchers from Tainton’s butcher shop and St Luke’s provides vouchers for toys and gold cards for adults.
For some people, especially the elderly singles, the hamper may be the only gift they re-ceive at Christmas. 50-60 hampers are usually provided each year, but St Luke’s an-ticipates that with the pandemic adversely affecting many local families, the demand in 2020 will be even greater.