GUEST SPEAKER Alistair Huth - 2030 Yea Community Energy

Alistair spoke about the plan to have Yea’s electricity cheaper, more reliable and less dependent on fossil fuels by 2030. To achieve this they are offering free home energy efficiency advice, and grant applications for community energy projects,
They need the community to encourage others to get involved, take advantage of their offer of free assistance with lowering pow-er bills and to support the installation of a community battery.
Several questions were raised and discussion ensued.
Darryl King gave the vote of thanks.
3 MINUTER—Les Hall
Les referred to a letter from John Leahy of Queensland sent to his father Patrick of Schull in 1875. He spoke of his disappoint-ment when arriving in Brisbane, the terms of employment, op-pressive heat and the friendly natives. John went out to work for some ‘cockatoos’, went up country on an expedition with some surveyors, experienced the heat in the interior where temperatures got to 129 degrees F. He found the aborigines the most savage and ignorant in the world and talks about goldfields yielding 4000 pounds of gold daily.
Did You Know……..?
On the penultimate meeting night of the Rotary year, ie the week before changeover, it is a long standing tradi-tion of our club that we eat pies for dinner. Many years ago this was usually good ole 4‘n20’s, however as our level of sophistication and taste improved, this event was catered for by Amanda Hard. In recent years, we now enjoy a gourmet feast of superb delicacies provid-ed by Chef Extraordinaire Dewar, who is renowned for his specialty road-kill offerings. Not only do we eat such delicacies, but many more up-market of-ferings of pies, including terrines, are auctioned off and provide a significant fundraiser for the club. I am pleased to advise that during my recent travels, I came across another Dewar type establishment (pictured) and I was able to successfully secure a contract for Bob to assist in some new pie varieties, such as NSW river rat, for the imminent PIE NIGHT 2023.