Ken showed us photos and talked us through his flood experience. The water got 600ml higher than previous floods, but the house was safe. Ken used a website which showed.
actual river heights and was the best indicator of what was going to happen. His 2 pumps were flooded so the CFA delivered fresh water for washing and drinking. The worst was looking after animals and getting hay to them.
Then along came the Whanny Helpers—a group of volunteers who took care of reconnaissance, moving cattle and deciding what work needed to be done. They worked at most of the farms and took control of the situation.
Ken’s talk raised a lot of questions. PP Sue Carpenter thanked Ken for a fascinating talk and presented him with a bottle of wine.
NET ZERO IS A PIPE DREAM because he attended a presentation by geologist James Cooper who pointed out that several countries committed to zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 and Australia is committed so wind and solar power is gaining momentum. It will take 400 years to produce enough nickel to run the world on renewable energy. Nickel and Copper are both in very short supply and these plus the other metals needed to produce renewable energy would take far too long to produce.
International Project Update - Dayspring Children’s Village
David Anderson has been talking to Cheryl Philips in South Africa and the opening of the new classroom blocks at Dayspring Children’s Village will take place in November. We’re all invited to South Africa for two weeks to be part of the occasion.
It was a busy twenty-four hours when Past Rotary Interna-tional President, Holger Knaack, visited Yea last week. A Rotarian from a club in northern Germany, since 1992, Holger served as Rotary International President 2020-21 at the height of the global COVID-19 pandemic which se-verely curtailed the ability of the President to lead the organization through face-to-face meetings and visits around the world.
Here he’s seen meeting Peter and Gary at the saleyards, being interviewed on UGFM and at the YWDC with Jakob (from Denmark) and David.
A small dinner at the Country Club Hotel, where he met Rotary members Russell and Carol Hogg, rounded out the day long visit. The Hoggs had attended the 2019 Rotary Internation-al Convention in Hamburg, Germany, at which Knaack had been the Convention Co-Chair. A Rotary District 9790 Foundation lunch in Benalla on Saturday concluded the visit.
Holger currently serves as a Trustee of The Rotary Foundation, Rotary Internationals highly respected charitable arm.
From David Anderson.
Our caterers tonight:Yea Show Committee