GUEST SPEAKER, Simone Sier Yea Community Cancer Charity

Simone thanked Rotary for the award.
The Yea Community Cancer Charity originally started out as the Pink Ball Foundation and raised $18000 at an event held at the Killingworth Whisky Bar in 2018. In 2019, they raised $7000 and in 2022 they raised $16,000.
The money is all used within Murrindindi Shire. Doctors pass on information about funding to patients experiencing hardship with such things as travel, accommodation and meal expenses and each patient will be given $1000 to help.
Simone explained that she had had family experience of Cancer and thanked local businesses, individuals and Rotary for their support.
She also made a special thank you to Darryl King for the function held in his garden which raised $1665 recently.
Darryl King gave the vote of thanks.
3 MINUTER — TERRY HUBBARD — correspondence from the US on the recent shootings and beatings of the suspect by police.
Janet Hubbard writes to a cousin and had written a long letter about the overall situation in the United States and in particular, the re-cent massacre of 10 people in California.
When asked how do you cope? , the cousin replied with lots of in-formation. The country was polarised after the massacre. There are 400 million guns in the US owne by civilians and 100 million of these are illegal.
In the last year, 19400 gun homicides have been committed of which 12200 are black, most-ly men aged 19-34. There are 20,000 suicides by gun each year.
Poverty, gang warfare, drugs and mental health issues are being blamed.
Janet Hubbard writes to a cousin and had written a long letter about the overall situation in the United States and in particular, the re-cent massacre of 10 people in California.

In the last year, 19400 gun homicides have been committed of which 12200 are black, most-ly men aged 19-34. There are 20,000 suicides by gun each year.
Poverty, gang warfare, drugs and mental health issues are being blamed.