GUEST SPEAKERS—something different. Tonight we heard from 3 club members.

Sue took us through her life including 13 years at a private girls’ school where she learned to appreciate the underdog. She went on to start Kindergarten Teacher Training and then worked at Malvern City Council as a gardener and had a nurseryman apprenticeship. Once married, she and her husband lived in Omeo for 7 years in a self sufficient miner’s cottage. Then she ended up in Hallam where they managed a chook farm with 45000 birds. They came to Yea in 1993.
Sue finished off by saying that through her daughter going on Youth Ex-change she got involved with Rotary. She loves the club and thinks of it as an extended family.
Sue is currently a councillor with Murrindindi Shire Council.

TERRY HUBBARD - Terry told us about his life in Papua New Guinea starting at age 21 as a cadet patrol officer and spanning 11 years. He remembered landing in Port Moresby and how he was hit by the smell of the tropical climate and humidity. He was posted to Madang where there were relics of the war and to get there he travelled up the coast with a one armed skipper and an all black crew.
After a year he was able to get special leave to go home and get engaged to Janet.
Back in PNG he led patrols which updated census figures, conducted health checks, resolved disputes and even introduced decimal currency.

In 1953, the family moved to Mildura and when he left school, he joined the Commonwealth Bank of Australia there. He was transferred to Melbourne and a branch near the Victoria Market and then took on an accountancy position with Price Forbes Leslie. In 1969 he took off on a 6 month tour of Europe and the UK and then ended up in the USA where he was found in Los Angeles watching Neil Armstrong land on the moon.
CYCLE DINDI - Julie reported that 60 plus people have registered and the raffle has raised $1000 to date. Kyla is the sponsored rider this year and featured in the Chronicle this week. She’s already raised approximately $1000.

Kyla and her father Eoghan