GUEST SPEAKER—Chris Howard Bath Air Traffic Controller

He also explained the different roles ATC have including as aviation firefighters, using information to steer planes away from weather and assisting with Police, Medical etc flights.
Chris showed the development of the equipment used through to current day and the growth of aeroplanes. There was charts and photos showing how data and information was recorded and interpreted for use by ATC and pilots.
Gary Cocks gave the vote of thanks for a detailed and fascinating talk.

Our catering team tonight from Flowerdale Primary School
including our youngest waiter.
Some Club History
Students from Sacred Heart Primary School approached our club in 2005 to assist with a $1,000 donation to-wards their “Buckets for Bores” project to provide clean drinking water to a children’s school in South Africa. During an RFE visit to South Africa, PP Ruth Konig visited the recipient school, Dayspring Children’s Village of Rus-tenburg and also the RC of Rustenburg-Kloof, who had an association with the school. Together, our two clubs oversaw the completion of this project. Ruth returned to Dayspring several years later, and identified an urgent need for a plumbed ablution block and sewage system that would cater for the whole school. Ruth persuaded both Rotary clubs to combine to raise funds and apply for a Rotary International Global Grant. Ruth’s passion and com-mitment saw her personally embark on an ambitious fundraising campaign of speaking to clubs throughout our District, conducting raffles, trivia nights, and completing a sponsored walk of over 900km on the Camino de Santiago in Spain. After many huge bureaucratic and other delays, Ruth’s dream final-ly came to fruition with the opening of the ablution block and sewage system in June 2021.
From Russell Hogg