GUEST SPEAKER – Anthea Forbes Pathways for Carers

Anthea spoke of her role caring for her son who has Down’s Syndrome. She described the affects of one different chromo-some which has led to having a 40 year old son to care for and how they led her to establish 3 carer groups over the years.
She came to Alexandra 21/2 years ago and there was no support for carers so she established a Pathways for Carers support group as a lead car-er. There are 40 of these groups in Victoria which meet on a monthly basis and offer a break for car-ers with people to talk to who understand what you need. It gets them out of their houses, and teaches about services and resources available.
Recently, Anthea received a grant which will fund this group for the next 3 years.

Lots of questions followed.
Penny gave the vote of thanks.
3 MINUTER Paul Kellett
Paul spoke about being an electrical engineer in the petroleum industry and how he worked for Exon Mobil which led him to being sent overseas to sign off on jobs.
For the last 10 years of his career he worked in Micronesia and the South Pacific and he talked about a stint in Saipan which is south of Japan. His stay there led him to a great interest in the War in the Pacific.
There were lots of stories to tell about the things Paul did and saw while staying on the island and Paul covered a few.
Paul spoke about being an electrical engineer in the petroleum industry and how he worked for Exon Mobil which led him to being sent overseas to sign off on jobs.
For the last 10 years of his career he worked in Micronesia and the South Pacific and he talked about a stint in Saipan which is south of Japan. His stay there led him to a great interest in the War in the Pacific.
There were lots of stories to tell about the things Paul did and saw while staying on the island and Paul covered a few.
Cycle Dindi
Julie congratulated Kyla on raising approximately $3000 and presented her with a gift from the club.

Thanks to Kerry Tull and her team for a delicious meal.