Guest Speaker, Lisa Lorimer-Derham, Psychologist with Alexandra District Health.

Lisa missed the Lift the Lid evening but is an advocate for the work Rotary supports.
Mental Health affects individuals, family and communities, and it is well documented that since Covid, stress levels have continued.
- 45% of the population will experience a mental illness
- 17% will experience anxiety
- 75% mood depression
- 31% addiction.
- 1:7 teenagers suffer a mental health dis-order, causing shutdown and avoidance.
Mental Health is a state of wellbeing and here are many forms of Mental Health—family genetics, community, political and society all contribute to the individual makeup. For the individual factors such as sleep, playfulness, reflective time, focus time, social connections and physical activity are important for balanced mental health.
Lisa reminded up that as Rotarians we are in a position to create positive outcomes for families and individuals in the community—supporting Peace, Housing, Food, Job Security, Eco System and Social Justice. Lisa answered many questions from Rotarians, leading to a further interesting session. Vote of Thanks from Julie Lynch.
3 Minute speaker—Les Hall
Les, raconteur of his bush history, entertained us again, reminiscing of growing up in the Ovens Val-ley and surrounding hills. It seems Les was rather accident prone, which put an untimely end to his AFL career with North Melbourne, he also played local cricket. Les began his working life as a butch-er in the family business and was smitten when a young lady, Wendy, commenced work at the local bank! Wendy is an accomplished horse rider and show jumper. Whilst Les was conscripted into the Army, his accident record ensured he was not accepted!
Wendy said Yes, they married, took up work at Glendaloch and have made Yea and the Glenburn their home ever since!
Les, raconteur of his bush history, entertained us again, reminiscing of growing up in the Ovens Val-ley and surrounding hills. It seems Les was rather accident prone, which put an untimely end to his AFL career with North Melbourne, he also played local cricket. Les began his working life as a butch-er in the family business and was smitten when a young lady, Wendy, commenced work at the local bank! Wendy is an accomplished horse rider and show jumper. Whilst Les was conscripted into the Army, his accident record ensured he was not accepted!
Wendy said Yes, they married, took up work at Glendaloch and have made Yea and the Glenburn their home ever since!

Many thanks to our caterers, Sacred Heart Primary School, led by Emma, Emily
and Sarah and a band of enthusiastic little helpers! Thank You for another delicious meal.