GARY COCKS—Anzac Day coming up. Volunteers will be needed.
Killingworth BBQ for Graeme Mann—March
Move of Historical Society to take place in 3-4 weeks.
IAN SICHLAU—re letter from MSC. Of the 3 options given he recommends that we leave it as it stands.
- re gravel paths—MSC advised that as requested information had not been received, the application has now lapsed. Ian had obtained an extension in November at which point the matter was referred to Peter Bayne of Land Management and Conservation. Tony agreed with meeting that we should pursue the application as all machinery and gravel had been donated and there was no cost.
GARY COCKS—Anzac Day coming up. Volunteers will be needed.
Killingworth BBQ for Graeme Mann—March
Move of Historical Society to take place in 3-4 weeks.
IAN SICHLAU—re letter from MSC. Of the 3 options given he recommends that we leave it as it stands.
- re gravel paths—MSC advised that as requested information had not been received, the application has now lapsed. Ian had obtained an extension in November at which point the matter was referred to Peter Bayne of Land Management and Conservation. Tony agreed with meeting that we should pursue the application as all machinery and gravel had been donated and there was no cost.
OPEN GARDENS—Darryl King—Happy with progress and secured to open to date
ART SHOW—Carol Hogg has agreed to be Director for 2024
Ian S thanked Carol for all the work she had done on the 13 pages submitted for the RFI
CYCLE DINDI—Julie—Brochures out. Entries up to 23. Total in 2022 170
This is a joint effort with Alexandra Rotary, Friends of GVRT and raises funds for youth programs. Eoghan and Kristie’s daughter Kyla has agreed to do a sponsored ride.
TERRY HUBBARD—Dee’s daughter was married recently so Jim and Terry cooked 99 egg and bacon rolls for breakfast the next day and raised $300 for the club.
PRESIDENT TONY—informed us of a joint initiative raising $200,000 to provide a mobile medi-cal facility for use in disaster areas. Contributors include Bendigo Bank, Bright and Myrtleford RC, FRRR and TAFCO. District 9790 has offered funding of $10000 and Gary F had proposed that the $2680 from the club’s Bushfire Fund be commit-ted to the project. This has been approved and consideration to donating extra will be made if there is still a shortfall on the total required.
Changeover—June 29—maybe held at Flowerdale Estate
Winter Recess—to allow new Board to settle in
Partners and Spouses night—May. Thai Night. Also needs to be a fundraiser for English Corner
Tradies’ Breakfast to be trialed as a way of introducing people to Rotary.
Longest lunch—being considered.
New Shed—there is space adjacent to the golf club shed.
Changeover—June 29—maybe held at Flowerdale Estate
Winter Recess—to allow new Board to settle in
Partners and Spouses night—May. Thai Night. Also needs to be a fundraiser for English Corner
Tradies’ Breakfast to be trialed as a way of introducing people to Rotary.
Longest lunch—being considered.
New Shed—there is space adjacent to the golf club shed.

Firefighting Helicopter taking off during meeting.

Kerrie Tull and catering crew