Approximately 100 members, and guests attended a dinner at Flowerdale Estate on Thursday night. Some of them arrived by bus, the others found their own way there.
It was a night when Rotary could acknowledge those who go beyond expectations in service to the community and President Tony set out goals for the next year for all present to look forward to achieving.
MC David Anderson
 Club Recognition
Paul Harris Fellowship Recipients
Vicki McMaster (L) Marj Hamilton (R) with President Tony Jacobs
David Long award
Denis Smith
Recipients of Rotary Community Disbursements
Sally Pollard—Yea Cancer Charity
Jackie Gilbee and Steve Joblin Suicide Awareness Group
with President Tony Jacobs
President Tony’s Board for 2023 to 2024
L to R Penny Paxman—President Elect Terry Hubbard—Community Services Julie Lynch—Secretary Tony Jacobs—President
Tippy Anderson—International Gary Fitzpatrick—Treasurer Lily Cox—Youth Sue Carpenter—Membership