Funds Disbursement Meeting
3 MINUTER—Will de Castella

The Latrobe and Swiss Vine Growers, Victoria went to Geelong and then the number of Swiss increased near Lilydale and the areas known as Yering, St Hu-berts and Yeringburn. They had a huge influence on viticulture and Hubert de Castella and others developed these vineyards using horse and cart and hand tools. They sent their wine to London and New Zea-land markets among others.
Paul de Castella (Will’s great uncle) was sent to England to learn the language and to build a career in banking but saw the opportunities in Australia and got the licence for Yering Run starting a small vine-yard in 1838
A Board meeting was held last Tuesday and new club bylaws and the new constitution will come to a general meeting for discussion later in May.
The club are considering hiring buses to ferry people to changeover on June 29.

Nominations are now open for Paul Harris Fellowships and the David Long
Community Service Award and close on May 19.
DAVID ANDERSON—District Rotary Foundation Chair presented Paul Kellett club Rotary Foundation Chair with a certificate received at District Assembly for our club in recognition of the club donating $USD100 per member in support of the RotaryFoundation
Gary Fitz opened up discussion on proposed disbursements for 22/23 as emailed by Julie last week.
Suggested amendments will go to the Board for discussion and implementation.
RI CONVENTION—David Anderson.
Registrations are still open.
For the first time ever a free 3 day pass has been offered so that non registrants have access to the Melbourne Convention and Entertainment Centre where they can visit the House of Friendship, mingle with Rotarians from all over the world, see club and district displays and go shopping.
David told us what he gets out of attending Convention. This will be his 16th!