A report from our members who attended.
Several of our club members attended the international convention, held at Melbourne Convention Centre and Tennis Centre 27—31 May 2023, fulfilling many roles which ensured a successful and fun filled event.
Glenda spoke of the fun reconnecting with international Rotarian friends, hosting Lyn and Ed from America, and staying in a share house with 4 American Rotarians ensured lots interesting conversation and laughs.
Highlights for Glenda included being among 12,500 Rotarians from around the world; being in audience to hear dynamic International President Jennifer Jones speak; attending breakfast at MCG Olympic Room hosted by Zone 26 & 27 (America) and seeing Rotary logos on electronic signage usually flashing sporting messages; attending opening and closing ceremonies.
David and Tippy were part of the Host Organisation Committee and were very proud of the success of the last 5 years of planning, to produce a very impressive convention. Melbourne was the 17th Convention David has attended! David and Tippy greeted guests at the airport; dined at the Royal Thai Consulate; hosted international visitors at their farm, including them in our local meetings; attended many of the program events, including the open and closing events, where they were acknowledged for their work on the HOC, with Jennifer Jones introducing Gordon McInally to the helm of Rotary Leadership.
Tippy encouraged members to consider attending the next international convention, to be held in Singapore 2024, offering to be a tour guide should you wish to visit Thailand!
Julie and Ian were proud to attend a function where Julies’ sister in law, Marg Crisp, of Belvoir Club Wodonga, was the recipient of the “Service Above Self” award. Congratulations Marg!
Julie and Ian have already signed up to attend the 2024 convention!
Penny worked as a volunteer at various venues, assisting visitors to find their around Melbourne, and attended a very impressive End Polio presentation, which highlights ihat it is still an important work in progress.
Sue and her daughter, Jess, enjoyed being within the family of Rotary, having something in common with all Rotarians through fellowship. They attended a cocktail reception at Melbourne Museum and were impressed by the inspirational speakers who presented.
3 Minute Speaker Jim Osborne
Jim spoke of the issue currently in the media, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) and government agencies. Jim spoke from a business point of view, outlining the work PwC undertake in management and advisory.