GUEST SPEAKER—Bridget Sutherland from the Skyline Education Foundation Australia.

There is a stringent process of selection and then a 2 year program, of residential camps at universities and exercises in confidence building, motivation and other activities. Each student has a program manager to support them. They are taught how to network and form new friends and then form an Alumni for each year.
Sunlight pays education costs eg laptop, books, calculators, access to the internet and other things. Everything is funded through philanthropic donations. It has a huge impact on the students and has been shown to return $13.20 for every $1 in-vested.
A case study showed a video of Graedy talking about what he had gained from acceptance into the program.
Lots of questions followed.
David Anderson gave the vote of thanks.

3 Minuter JIM OSBORNE Jim spoke about the Community Bank. Its history involved 7 Rotarians on the steering committee as well as others. It could not be a Rotary project for legal reasons. Today a new Board has turned it around and made a profit while reducing debt. They hope to be paying a dividend at the end of the year.