President Carol welcomed distinguished guests, members and guests then PDG David Anderson proposed the Toast to Rotary International. DG Bruce Anderson responded to the Toast.
President Carol then reviewed the year 2020-2021 which was most unusual due to Covid 19, but our club still managed to achieve a lot. You will find more information in the Annual Report. An electronic copy is available on request.
Tippy (real name Suppattra Wannasubchae) was inducted and welcomed as a member of our club. Welcome Tippy!
DG Buce Anderson
Some special awards were presented.
- Glenda Woods was a very surprised and humble recipient of the David Long Community Service Award.
- Ian Sichlau received recognition as a Paul Harris Fellow for his contribution as secretary, and to projects within our community which made use of his skills as an architect.
- Sue Carpenter received recognition as a Paul Harris Fellow for her service to the club which started when her daughter wanted to become a Rotary Exchange Student, saw her become President of the club and continues in her role as our club’s Chair for the Rotary Foundation.
President Carol and our newest member Tippy | David Long award recipient Glenda Woods and Richard Long | PHF recipients Ian Sichlau and PP Sue Carpenter |
Paul Kellett was then inducted as President for 2021-2022 and a very relieved Carol handed
Paul outlined his vision to bring the Club more into the Community and to focus on such things as Mental Health, Age and Disability, Partnerships with other clubs and Fellowship (among other things). He promises to clarify the goals for the upcoming year at future meetings
President Paul and PP David Anderson | Presisdent Paul outlining his vision | President Paul and Family |
President Paul then went on to introduce his Board
President Paul's Board - from left to right |
Vocational Service: Julie Lynch, Membership and Retention: Gary Cocks, Rotary Foundation: Sue Carpenter, President Elect and Club Service: Tony Jacobs, Youth Services: Glen Milliken, Secretary: Ian Sichlau, Community Service: Di Welsh, Vice President and International Service: Carol Hogg, Treasurer: Russell Hogg, President: Paul Kellett |
Entertainment was provided by the FourFathers as well as two humorous 3 minuters from Hoggy (Russell) and Handy. (John)
The Four Fathers - John, Terry, Charles and Russell |
The Hentschels | David Ngo and Bobby Dewar | Ian Schislau and Christene Kellet |