Changeover at Beaufort Manor
Complimentary champagne for all and lovely music from RYLArian Julian Laucius set the tone for a lovely evening of celebration, reflection and fellowship. President Ken welcomed a long list of guests including; State Member for Eildon Cindy McLeish, Councillor Rebecca Bowles, DG Malcolm Kerr and Jill, DG nominee Anne Reid, PDG David Anderson, AG Elizabeth McCormick, Rotary Guests from other clubs, members, partners and friends. There was also a list of apologies acknowledged.

The RC of Yea’s 48th member, Sandra Davey was inducted by President Ken in his almost last task as President.  

Presentations were made to Donations in Kind and Australian Rotary Health.  Community Service Award—presented to David Ralph by Rick Long.

Paul Harris Fellow Recognition—presented to community members Janet Forde and Terry Chaplin and PHF sapphires to Rotarians Julie Lynch, Glenda Woods,  Les Hall and Terry Hubbard.

Ken Foletta's Changeover Photos


This was followed by the formal induction of the 2018—2019 President Sue Carpenter. Sue made a presentation to Ken and his wife Tricia and thanked them both for all their work in the past year.

Sue then outlined her hopes and vision for the coming Rotary year and introduced her Board:

Past President & Vice President: Ken Maxfield, President Elect: Carol Hogg,  

Secretary & Foundation: David Anderson, Treasurer: Russell Hogg


Community Service: Bob Dewar, International: Gary Cocks

Vocational Service: Paul Kellett, Youth Service: Sandra Hanley.

After photos of the group, Sue thanked everyone for attending (102 people), with special thanks to her family and wished everyone a safe journey home and closed the meeting.



President Ken and new member Sandra                    Champagne