Guest Speaker: Steve Ballinger  ‘Cleared Ground Demining’
Steve delivered a most compelling presentation. He and Vanessa have travelled the world during the past 20 years (Steve  86 countries and Cassandra 92!) working as part of a humanitarian organisation  (Cleared Ground Demining) which works in countries clearing (demining) ordnances where ‘forgotten conflict’ has left traumatic legacies. Their organisation is deliberately small, flexible and adaptable, preferring to work with the local community to train workers, add to economic development and ensure the land clearing continues after the team have departed.  
In order to locate the weapons and ammunition, the organisation selects from a toolbox of methodology—drones, detectors, radar and the human eye - locating the ordnances, then setting up controlled explosive demolitions.  Steve focussed on three ’forgotten conflicts’ Jordan, Guinea - Bissau and Palau  (Peleliu Island) in the Pacific Ocean detailing for each locality, the research, risk assessment  and how the demining was carried out.  Future plans include working in Vanuatu, Kiribati and the Solomon islands.
After questions from the floor Rotarian Terry  thanked both Steve & Cassandra for their very interesting presentation.
3 minuter Ian Lynch.
Ian spoke of the recent trip (August 2019) he and Julie took to D2400 in Sweden as part of RFE (Rotary Friendship Exchange). This was the reciprocal visit which followed on from  the Swedes visit to D9790 (including Yea) in March 2019. Ian briefly touched on their  itinerary, clubs who hosted and some of the interesting aspects of the trip. NB Members who wish to be kept up to date with the RFE please email contact details to the RFE Chair, Ann Kimberley at
Sergeant’s Session: John Sinclair
Tippy was kept busy collecting fines as John adopted a ‘geographical’ perspective, starting with members living along the Whittlesea Rd (even the Strath Creek members were lumped in!). When he was reminded that he had forgotten some members his rejoinder was ‘In 3 weeks you will pay and pay dearly!’
Catering Group
 Inspire Calisthenics.