Guest Speaker: Constable Eva Mercier - Cyber Awareness and Security.
onstable Eva Mercier is stationed at Seymour. She often speaks to students at schools about cyber awareness and security. She works in Crime Prevention, works the van, including night shift. Her role is part-time and she has been in the police force for 8 years.

Eva is involved in the ’education of online safety’. A great deal of her work involves under 18 year olds sharing explicit images online. One of the biggest issues with Face-book is keeping online profiles out of the public eye. She spoke of some of the issues that she comes across in her role, and the things that people need to think about and act upon in order to keep their information secure from identity thieves, hackers and scammers.
As online users, we need to ensure that: we download security software on phones as well .and phones are easy to track. If you are being scammed, be sure to keep dates, times and stamps of any evidence for the police. Also, be sure to do the things listed below for passwords, web browsers and operating systems.

3 Minuter: Julie Lynch - International Homestay Program