Guest Speaker Paul Bannan.
Paul has been very involved in the Yea community including the Anzac Day Service and with the CFA.
Paul said that Yea had been good to him and he was always made to feel welcome at Rotary functions.
Paul read a number of poems he had written -his unique and moving story telling of friendship, family and Australiana was appreciated by all.
John Clue DGE 9780:
John had lived and worked in Yea in 1985/86 and was back visiting for a few days, riding the GVRT. He highlighted projects of the RC of Port Fairy including the Murray to Moyne Bike event that raises in excess of $50,000 annually.
3 Minuter John Sinclair:
John reminisced (rather dismally) about the changes he had seen in his adult lifetime in the district, acknowledging that change is inevitable, but not all change is positive!
Tracey has reached the end of the Nullabor AND broken her target
Funds raised to date are: $20,065 s, riding the GVRT. He highlighted projects of the RC of Port Fairy including the Murray to Moyne Bike event that raises in excess of $50,000 annually.
President’s announcements:
6th May Club photo
Board endorsed proposal to provide Misty Springs products as gifts to guest speakers.
Correspondence from the Adult Riding Club was discussed. Board wished the Club well but decided to take no action.
Member reports:
Glenda: Update of Tracey’s journey. Tracey has completed her ride across the Nullabor battling tough head winds on her final day. Tracey thanked everyone for their messages of support and financial contribu-tions. Her fund raising is now at $20,065.
Glenda Public Image: Annual Report
Directors and Chairs of Committees are asked to compile and provide their reports for the AR by the middle of May.
Cycle Dindi: Julie
Plans well in place with 100+ cyclists registered.
Anzac Day Service: Terry
Terry outlined planning and protocols. BBQ at the Frank Wood Shed at Railway Park to follow commemo-rative ceremony. Pres. Carol has designed a program with printing costs to be paid by Shire.
Sergeant’s Session: Glenn
A few ‘reverse’ fines – those not in paper! David Ngo fined for technology failures from months ago at the pharmacy,