Guest Speaker: Gordon Davis Greening Australia
Gordon is a famer at Glenburn who trained at Melbourne Uni as a Forrester, and has worked in a variety of roles and is now chair at Green-ing Australia. He spoke about Reef Aid, and talked about Global Warming and how it af-fects the ecological balance of the reef. Given that we cant change global temperatures, Greening Australia have been restoring 3000 Hectares of river and wetlands to improve wa-ter quality. Wetlands act as a filter. Greening Australia have been repairing at upper levels, reducing sediment, erosion and nutrient loads. The organisation has sought to engage with indigenous groups and worked in collaboration with the CSIRO and universities to reform and protect the landscape. They have needed to rely on supporters other than government and work with com-panies that wish to offset their carbon footprints.
3 Minuter: David Anderson
David spoke about how Rotary International faced having an unidentified President Elect or nominee due to unforeseen circumstances on two separate occasions. He spoke about some of the prerequisites to be a contender for the position, one having been in good standing in World-wide Club, and a current nominee being the first Rotarian to have joined in the 1990’s ‘Holga’ from Germany, and in David’s opinion, a modern and progressive Rotarian. It is David’s hope for 2023 that there will be a first female nominee, and that Polio will be finally eradicated.
Julie Lynch: Youth Services Directors Report
Julie went with Sue too the Kinglake Ranges Club along with Kimberly, Nick and Ben Charles, who did a presentation to the club about Youth Exchange. Nick, Ben and Kimberley wore their Blazers and were great ambassadors for Youth Exchange. Kinglake Ranges haven’t adopted the Youth Exchange Program as yet and it is hopeful that this may be re-evaluated after receiving this presentation.
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Chairman Les | Club Members enjoying friendship |