Guest Speaker Liz Zita—Director of Partnerships at Regional Arts Victoria.
Liz gave a little of her background and then explained what her job involves and also what Regional Arts Victoria is all about.
Liz lives in Yea and is hoping to connect with artists and the art world both professionally and socially.
The Victorian Arts Council was formed in 1969 and morphed into what it is now—Regional Arts Victoria (RAV) in 1999. It has a regional focus, is a not for profit and is membership based.
The focus of the organisation is on Membership, Programming and Partnerships.
In Programs—three are offered. They are Arts and Education, Connecting Places and Touring Services. Lots of support for schools with assistance from Government funding, and assistance to take shows to all manner of locations to take Art to the people.
Like everyone else, COVID hit hard in 2020 with no shows and no touring, so it is hoped that 2021 will again provide opportunities.
On the Partnership side, there four people working in four places in Victoria to facilitate and work with local communities to help make things happen.
RAV exists to assist communities and artists make art happen in their community and to also assist artists in their chosen pathway. They do RAV in residence, like pop up sessions, which provides one on one time to talk and build networks.
Liz finished by providing ways for us as community members to engage with RAV. This can be done by:- becoming a member; subscribing to the RAV newsletter; encourage creative people to contact RAV and follow RAV on social media such a FaceBook (RAV NE page). Liz is passionate about regional art and regional Victoria and is happy to work with anyone to facilitate art in its many forms in our community.

Liz lives in Yea and is hoping to connect with artists and the art world both professionally and socially.
The Victorian Arts Council was formed in 1969 and morphed into what it is now—Regional Arts Victoria (RAV) in 1999. It has a regional focus, is a not for profit and is membership based.
The focus of the organisation is on Membership, Programming and Partnerships.
In Programs—three are offered. They are Arts and Education, Connecting Places and Touring Services. Lots of support for schools with assistance from Government funding, and assistance to take shows to all manner of locations to take Art to the people.
Like everyone else, COVID hit hard in 2020 with no shows and no touring, so it is hoped that 2021 will again provide opportunities.
On the Partnership side, there four people working in four places in Victoria to facilitate and work with local communities to help make things happen.
RAV exists to assist communities and artists make art happen in their community and to also assist artists in their chosen pathway. They do RAV in residence, like pop up sessions, which provides one on one time to talk and build networks.
Liz finished by providing ways for us as community members to engage with RAV. This can be done by:- becoming a member; subscribing to the RAV newsletter; encourage creative people to contact RAV and follow RAV on social media such a FaceBook (RAV NE page). Liz is passionate about regional art and regional Victoria and is happy to work with anyone to facilitate art in its many forms in our community.
Three Minuter—Sandra Hanley
Sandra spoke about the Women’s Shed in Seymour and talked about the sorts of activities that are carried out there.
Members meet every second Wednesday at The Seymour Scout Hall and despite numbers being down, those who attend enjoy a variety of activities such as crafts, cards, games, mosaics etc.
Sandra also put out a request for the Biggest Morning Tea to be held at the RSL Hall in Yea on Tuesday 25th May from 10am—noon. Sandra needs donations of food—cakes, slices, scones, sandwiches etc and also, lots of help—setting up, serving, doing dishes etc. Please set aside this time to assist and contact Sandra.
President Carol welcomed guest speaker Liz Zito and her partner Allan Thatcher as well as Bob and Barb Glenister. Also welcomed was member Paul Geeson. Good to see you back Paul!
No mail to report.
Glenda Woods—encouraged members to book at table for the upcoming Trivia Night on Sat May 22nd. Numbers currently at 64. Glenda also thanked members for their contributions towards the raffle.
President Carol welcomed guest speaker Liz Zito and her partner Allan Thatcher as well as Bob and Barb Glenister. Also welcomed was member Paul Geeson. Good to see you back Paul!
No mail to report.
Glenda Woods—encouraged members to book at table for the upcoming Trivia Night on Sat May 22nd. Numbers currently at 64. Glenda also thanked members for their contributions towards the raffle.
Glenda also distributed 10 A5 flyers for each member present for the Yea Garden Expo and encouraged members to share those flyers with family, friends and neighbours. They are not for distribution to shops etc as they will be going out in a month or so. Members who missed out will get theirs next week.

Happy Birthday John Sinclair