GUEST SPEAKER—Monica O’Malley.

She gave a run down on her background and her career in dentistry. Monica also talked about what her profession has to deal with relation to running a business and the challenges faced by the dental industry.
Did you know that in 2030, Australia’s population will reach 30 million and 20 million of them will not access dental care? There’s a whole lot of reasons for that including lack of trust, affordability and previous trauma.
Monica asks why dental care isn’t covered by Medicare. She visited the Netherlands to look at a model of dentistry which uses self managed teams and employee ownership to sustain a not for profit industry.
Monica wants to be the first in Australia do use this model. She describes Your New Dentist as a Conscious Business which Identifies the purpose that the business serves as advancing human thrivingmUses profit as the fuel that helps the business achieve some piece of the larger puzzle
Knows it’s what we DO with both the business and the profit that matters
Creates IMPACT
Monica also asked members to consider having a free dental check to help her gather data to take to our local MP with a view to getting at least annual free checkups and cleaning for
There were several questions from the floor. Ann Drysdale gave the vote of thanks.
3 MINUTER—Penny Paxman
Penny spoke about her concern that many people in our com-munity will be affected by the latest lockdown including stu-dents, businesses, those already affected by other disasters, those separated from their families and those disabled in any way. She gave 5 main warning signs of mental illness and some ways to help if you think someone is mentally ill.
Penny concluded by asking us all to check on those around us and in particular to take care of those we love.

Penny concluded by asking us all to check on those around us and in particular to take care of those we love.
President Carol welcomed the Chair for the night, Paul Kellett and Guest Speaker, Monica O’Malley.
She announced that Covid restrictions mean that there will be NO MEETING NEXT WEEK.
President Carol welcomed the Chair for the night, Paul Kellett and Guest Speaker, Monica O’Malley.
She announced that Covid restrictions mean that there will be NO MEETING NEXT WEEK.
Sandra reported that though numbers were down, the event had raised $925.55 and was a great success. The club matched dollar for dollar and sent $1850 to the Anti Cancer Council.
Sandra thanked all those who donated food, managed deliveries of food and helped on the day.
Sandra reported that though numbers were down, the event had raised $925.55 and was a great success. The club matched dollar for dollar and sent $1850 to the Anti Cancer Council.
Sandra thanked all those who donated food, managed deliveries of food and helped on the day.

Thanks to our caterers Yea Primary School