Club Assembly
President Carol opened the meeting and informed members that main issue to be discussed tonight was the Centenary of Rotary Project—shelters over picnic tables in plantation
Glenda Woods read a letter from Tracey thanking the Rotary Club of Yea for their sup-port and describing her ride through storms, amid road trains and being supported by Dee all the way. See below for total funds raised and kilometres ridden to date.
Pres. Carol introduced the book ‘Humanity in Action’ printed as a Rotary Centenary Project. It didn’t take long for members to discover it had been printed upside down.
Correspondence—Ian Sichlau
Keith Baumgarten –thank you for cards and letters.
Participants in Cycle Dindi—thank you for hospitality especially ride in cattle truck and morning tea in the shearing shed.
Yea Primary School –thank you for donation of $500 towards chess pieces.
Rotary Health—thank you for donation of $2000 towards addressing Youth mental health issues.
Anzac Day—Terry Hubbard
Thank you to everybody who participated and those who assisted on the day. It was very successful.
Carol introduced the Chair for tonight Peter Tull.
Sue Carpenter outlined the 8 steps needed (including community consultation) to get the project underway and the chair invited comments and questions from the floor.
The first step was to get agreement in principle from members to provide shelters over some of the picnic tables in the plantation in Yea. Those present agreed in principle.
Ian circulated copies of drawings of proposed shelters and discussion followed with the result that more work needs to be done on the drawings.
Ian acknowledged all the time June Keath has donated to date in preparing these drawings
Tracey Report
Tracey continues to ride using the bike trails available Funds raised to date are: $25,600
Kilometres covered to April 29 - 2100
Donations can be made to RC Yea Project Account
BSB: 633 000
Account: 144 545 126
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The Catering Crew - Flowerdale Primary School |