The Paying it Forward program. A presentation by Yasmin, Declan and Nick.

They spoke about their experiences in Fiji and what they needed to do in order to help the people on the island to renovate, decorate, and raise funds for their kindergarten. Yasmin and Nick are both returned exchange students, which helped to prepare them for staying with families they were not familiar with, and to fit in quickly and comfortably.
They promoted the program and recommended it to other students as a great experience. Yasmin and Declan chose to be a part of the Paying it Forward program instead of attending ‘Schoolies’, celebrated by their peers.
3 Minute Speaker Sue Carpenter
Sue: spoke about the woman behind the badge. Rotarian for 17 years, Sue talked about her background on various committees, and how she came to be involved in Rotary, whilst her eldest daughter was on exchange.
3 Minuter Sue with her Guest Carmel
Our Caterers - The Yea A. P. and H. Society