Club Assembly
President Carol welcomed all.
President’s announcements
Will de Castella has accepted position of Chair of the Garden Expo, to be mentored by Jim Osborne
Secretary: Ian Sichlau
• Letter and documents from the Yea & District Adult Riding Club circulated. Matters raised to be agended for next Board meeting.
• Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea promotional material
• Operation Cleft leaflet
• Helen Haines MHR Mailbox newsletter
Community Service: Terry Hubbard

Thank you to members who indicated willingness to support Anzac Day Commemoration Service in Yea. A small group has met with Jeff Swain from the Yea -Kinglake RSL and a draft program has been finalised
• Future of the Yea RSL Hall
A Committee of Management must be in place by April 21st otherwise the RSL of Victoria will commence proceedings to acquire the building and then sell it off. The RSL will accept a CoM without a serving member. Terry encouraged 4/5 club members to form a new entity with the responsibility of ensuring the CoM is solvent, the building is available for other user groups and the building is kept in good order.
Jeff Swain to be invited to present at the next Board meeting.
• Rotary Centenary table shelters in Yea High St plantation
Terry and Ian Sichlau met with Cr Sue and Vito Albicini (Director, Assets & Development) from the Shire. Progressive ongoing project with 7 shelters to be installed over a number of years.
Cycle Dindi: Julie Lynch
Plans for Saturday April 17th well advanced– registrations now almost 70. Thank you to raffle sales teams with approx. $1,000 raised. Eoghan’s sponsorship also building with a target of $1,000. Bob H. has catering in hand.
Ian Sichlau: A quote of $3,985 received from Harris Plumbing for bathroom fittings/ modifications at home of Elle Gay. Support from members to put proposal to purchase bathroom fit-tings as per the quote.
Tracey’s The long road to me: Glenda Woods
Glenda referenced Tracey’s latest face book post which she dedicated to Dee Wilson, her fabulous support companion Tracey is approximately halfway across the Nullarbor, has cycled 1,605 kms and her fund raising has now reached almost $14,000.
David Anderson quoted the words of PP John Bett from 2003, updating the ending to make it current.
Do all the good you can
In every way you can
To all the people you can
In every place you can
At all the times you can
As long as ever you can
For the opportunity will soon be gone
And you will need to serve President Paul and first lady Chris
In caring for and serving others
Not the least this Club.
After club business concluded a lengthy discussion was held about club procedures and the results will be circulated in a separate communication .
Sergeant’s Session: Glenn Milliken
Glenn fined those with birthdays and photos in the local press. Ian Sichlau paid up for the Cycle Dindi bikes being regularly relocated at the Cheviot Tunnel.
Cross Fines
PP Sue expressed her wish to be introduced as just Sue or PP Sue rather than as the Deputy Mayor but her desire for anonymity collapsed when she inadvertently called herself Sue Councillor!
Congratulations to the RC of Alexandra who conducted a most successful Easter Art Show with excellent attendance, entries, sponsorship and sales. They anticipate a profit of approx. $20,000.