Guest Speaker: Michael Guerin - Facets of the Murrindindi/Woodbourne Valley
Since becoming a Murrindindi resident just prior to the 2009 bushfires, Michael has been intrigued by the historical facets of the Murrindindi/Woodbourne Valley. With the aid of a power-point presentation and with his interpretation of history through the ‘Gee That’s Interesting’ methodology, Michael explored many interesting aspects of Murrindindi’s rich history, beginning with indigenous activity.
Michael touched on European settlement of the valley including Squatters, mining and the Selection Land Acts. One particular area of interest for Michael is the location of the old township of Higinbotham.
Michael has spoken with many locals, including Rotarian Peter Tull whose ancestors were publicans in the area.
Michael provided some ideas for project development in the Gold, Timber and Fossil fields, such as us-ing metal detectors to locate the township of Higinbotham, exploring the Balaclava mine, interviewing the Creed and Hauser pioneering families, using drones and further exploration of the Waterwheel and Knott Mill sites.
After questions from the audience Michael was thanked for his most interesting presentation ,by Peter Tull who remarked that ‘He is still learning about Murrindindi’.
Michael touched on European settlement of the valley including Squatters, mining and the Selection Land Acts. One particular area of interest for Michael is the location of the old township of Higinbotham.
Michael has spoken with many locals, including Rotarian Peter Tull whose ancestors were publicans in the area.
Michael provided some ideas for project development in the Gold, Timber and Fossil fields, such as us-ing metal detectors to locate the township of Higinbotham, exploring the Balaclava mine, interviewing the Creed and Hauser pioneering families, using drones and further exploration of the Waterwheel and Knott Mill sites.
After questions from the audience Michael was thanked for his most interesting presentation ,by Peter Tull who remarked that ‘He is still learning about Murrindindi’.
President Paul’s Report on Tuesday’s Board meeting
• Productive membership meeting held prior to Board meeting
• Fun & Fellowship team lead by Marje planning activities for the 5th Thursday of the month.
• Resignation of Patty Sichlau. Thank you card circulated
• Suicide Prevention Walk (September 12th). Board recommended that $3,000 be set aside for Walk. Motion from Gary Fitzgerald that Board’s recommendation be ac-cepted. Unanimously passed.
• Glenn Milliken will call for a pool of 4-6 volunteers for Sergeant duties.
• Consideration of establishing a catering sub committee
• BBQ trailer to be upgraded
• Proposed Stitches & Steel project cancelled due to limited capacity to stage event.
• Decline catering request from Adult Riders’ Group as already committed on the same date.
• Club will organise Remembrance Day Service on Nov 11th.
• President’s door prize to be raffled each week. Please pay $2 with weekly dues (only one ticket per person can be purchased).
3 minuter: Julie Lynch - ‘Rotary Opens Opportunities’
Julie referenced the Club’s social outing to Noorilim (historic home and gardens near Nagambie) 5 years ago. A conversation that day between owner Brandon Menzies and visitor PP Lorraine Greenwood led to Noorilim’s olives being harvested and processed annually to support community groups and organisations with fund raising.
Sergeant’s Session: Bob D:
Before cross fines Bob gave a potted life story of a young lad who left school at 16 to commence work as an accountant. When his promising football career conflicted with work he was given 10 days to find a new job. He accepted a position as an apprentice butcher and was able to continue playing football, moving around country Victoria.
58 years later he is still passionate about learning the craft of being a master butcher.
Of course Bob was referring to his good self! Well done Bob, you are a wonderful role model, especially to the 10 apprentices who have been fortunate to learn their trade from you.
Cross fines featured Eoghan and Terry
Pres. Paul concluded the meeting at 8.30pm, thanking Michael. He noted that he was remiss in not acknowledging earlier that Penny Paxman has now achieved Mental health First Responder Certification. Well done Penny.
Julie & Glenda with 93 year old Honorary member Norm Berndt.
Norm is still doing well living on his farm at Flowerdale. Norm passed on his regards to those in the club whom he still remembers (Many unfamiliar faces in the Bulletins he receives!)
Gary and Sue | Terry, Jim and Kyla | Kyla and Eoghan (Dad) |