Guest Speaker: Grace McDonald. Year 11 student from Yea High School.

Grace McDonald - Rotary Adventure in Citizenship Delegate
(Article for Yea Chronicle)
Yea HS Year 11 student Grace McDonald recently visited the Rotary Club of Yea and spoke of her experiences as a delegate to Canberra as part of the Adventure in Citizenship program. This week long Rotary sponsored program immerses the students (all Year 11 from around Australia) behind the scenes in Canberra and helps them prepare for full participation as citizens of Australia. Grace said ‘My trip to Canberra provided by Yea Rotary can be summed up best in these 3 words: insightful, amazing and an experience. In the week that I was there I had the opportunity to meet new people, experience things I never thought I could and learn a billion and one new different things each day’. Grace was hosted by a Rotary family in Canberra who were ‘beautifully hearted people who warmly welcomed me to their home, for which I am most grateful’.
Grace’s week was ‘the most jam packed week of my life. 101 different things to do each day, from viewing the Budget /reply speech, visiting the War Memorial and participating in the Last Post, Telstra tower, talking to the speaker of the House of Representatives, talking to senators and going on a number of formal tours of Parliament House (both old and new)’. Grace and the other delegates also participated in mock debates and drafted a Bill about a proposal to introduce a sugar tax in which the students’ role played various interest groups - Grace found this exercise most insightful into parliamentary processes.
Grace thanked the club for the wonderful opportunity to attend RAIC and then confidently answered many questions from the members.
3 Minuter: Ann Drysdale.

Kimberley - Our Exchange Student
Kimberley Gave a brief account of her experience in the Reef to Rock tour attending by inbound exchange students of District 9790. Kimberley will give a more formal presentation in a
few weeks. It was one of the largest groups that have attended, consisting of 37 exchange students. Kimberley took a short helicopter flight over Uluru, though the winds were very strong, limiting the flight. She particularly enjoyed the waterfalls in Cairns. The flies were not one of her favourite experiences and she enjoyed a short show at the Opera House.

Marj and Catherine,

Jill and Mike

Ian and Charles chatting

Flowerdale Primary School Catering Group